Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bahaya & Kronologi 'Rare Earth' Malaysia

Lynas Corp Ltd merupakan syarikat asing yang melaburkan RM1 billion bagi membina prasarana serta kemudahan untuk memproses lathanides (nama saintifik bagi rare earth) di 72, Jalan Gebeng 1/24, Bandar Industri Gebeng Jaya, Kuantan 26080 Pahang. Kawasan seluas 101.25 hektar di Kawasan Perindustrian Gebeng di peringkat permulaan, di mana operasinya dijangka bermula September 2009.

Pembangunan kilang itu dihentikan ketika krisis kewangan global. Syarikat kini mempunyai pelabur baru, China Non-ferrous Metals Co, Serta mendapat kelulusan daripada Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom telah diperoleh.

Taburan DOS Kawasan LYNAS sebelum operasi bermula

Pemprosesan ‘rare earth’ menghasilkan sisa radioaktif dan sisa radioaktif ini amat berbahaya bukan sahaja kepada manusia tetapi seluruh ekosistem. Tragedi yang menimpa penduduk-penduduk di Bukit Merah, Perak sekitar tahun 1982-87 Ramai yang telah meninggal dunia akibat pendedahan kepada sisa-sisa radioaktif – leukemia, kanser, kelahiran bayi cacat dan sebagainya

Sebuah syarikat Australia kini membina kilang memproses ‘rare earth’ di Kawasan Perindustrian Gebeng yang terletak di Kuantan, Pahang. Pemprosesan ‘rare earth’ ini jika tidak diuruskan dengan baik dikhuatiri akan mencemari sumber air dan seterusnya mengakibatkan kejadian seperti di Bukit Merah, Perak. Kesan jangkamasa panjang yang akan diakibatkan amatlah ketara kerana sisa radioaktif tidak mudah reput.

Berikut adalah kronologi penetangan Asian Rare Earth (ARE) di Bukit Merah, Ipoh sehingga penutupannya pada 19 Januari, 1994.


November: Syarikat Asian Rare Earth (ARE) dibentuk untuk mengekstrak itrium ( sejenis unsur nadir bumi) daripada monazit. Pemegang saham utamanya ialah Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Ltd (35%), Beh Minerals (35%), Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji (20%) dan beberapa peniaga bumiputera (10%). Pihak ARE telah mendapatkan pandangan dari Pusat Penyelidikan Atom Tun Dr. Ismail (Puspati), Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar mengenai sisa buangan radioaktif yang dihasilkan melalui pemerosesan monazit. Adalah diputuskan, sisa buangan itu yang menjadi milik kerajaan Negeri Perak akan disimpan kerana berpotensi sebagai sumber tenaga nuklear.


Jun: Penduduk Parit, Perak mendapat tahu kerajaan telah memilih kawasan seluas sembilan ekar, kira-kira 6 km dari penempatan mereka untuk dijadikan tapak penimbunan sisa radioaktif syarikat ARE.

30 Jun: Ekoran bantahan hebat daripada jawatankuasa penduduk serta lain-lain pertubuhan politik dan sosial, kerajaan membatalkan cadangan itu dan kemudian mula mencari tapak baru.

11 Julai: Kilang ARE mula beroperasi di KM 7.2, Jalan Lahat di Bukit Merah.


November: Penduduk Papan (kira-kira 16 km dari Ipoh) mendapat tahu ARE sedang mengorek lubang berhampiran tempat kediaman mereka untuk dijadikan tapak buangan sisa radioaktif. Tapak itu merupakan pilihan kerajaan


24 Mei: Kira-kira 6,700 penduduk Papan dan pekan-pekan yang berhampiran menandatangani satu surat bantahan dan menghantarnya kepada Perdana Menteri, Menteri Besar Perak, Menteri Kesihatan serta Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar.

31 Mei: Seramai 200 penduduk Papan membantah tapak pembuangan yang dicadangkan. Mereka menyekat jalan yang menuju ke tapak itu.

5 Jun: Perdana Menteri berkata, kerajaan telah mengambil segala langkah berjaga-jaga untuk memastikan keselamatannya dan menegaskan pembinaan tapak buangan radioaktif di Papan akan diteruskan.

18 Jun: Kira-kira 300 penduduk Papan sekali lagi mengadakan tunjuk perasaan sebagai membantah tapak buangan yang dicadangkan.

28 Jun: Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Amar Stephen Yong berkata, tapak buangan Papan adalah selamat kerana dibina mengikut piawaian yang ketat. Beliau mencabar pengkritik supaya membuktikan tapak itu boleh mengancam kesihatan dan alam sekitar. Sementara itu, ARE meneruskan operasinya dengan menimbun sisa torium di sebuah kawasan terbuka dan kolam berhampiran kilang itu.

1 Julai: Kira-kira 3,000 penduduk termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak mengadakan tunjuk perasaan secara aman sebagai membantah tapak buangan tersebut.

4 Julai: Seramai 2,000 orang penduduk terus mengadakan tunjuk perasaan meskipun Ketua Polis Perak memberi arahan supaya bersurai.

18 Julai: Pembentukan Jawatankuasa Bertindak Bukit Merah, terdiri daripada penduduk Bukit Merah, Lahat, Menglembu dan Taman Badri Shah, sebagai tanda sokongan kepada penduduk Papan. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) menghantar satu memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri memaklumkan paras radiasi yang tinggi telah dikesan dikawasan kolam terbuka berhampiran kilang ARE di Bukit Merah. Satu bacaan yang dicatat oleh pegawai-pegawai SAM sewaktu berkunjung ke situ ialah 43,800 milirem/tahun. Paras ini melebihi 88 kali paras maksimum yang ditetapkan oleh Suruhanjaya Antarabangsa bagi Perlindungan Radiologi (ICRP) untuk orang ramai.

29 Ogos: Michael O ‘Riordan dari Lembaga Perlindungan Radiologi Kebangsaan British dijemput oleh kerajaan untuk memeriksa tapak buangan toksik di Papan.

19 September: Sekumpulan tiga orang dari Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu mengunjugi tapak buangan di Papan atas jemputan kerajaan Malaysia. Mereka mengisytiharkan tapak buangan itu tidak selamat.

5 Oktober: Dr William Cannell, seorang ahli fizik dan penganalisis kesihatan menerima jemputan penduduk Papan untuk melawat tapak buangan tersebut. Hasil pemerhatian beliau mendapati kerja-kerja kejuruteraan yang dijalankan oleh syarikat terbabit sangat buruk.

21 Oktober: Seorang pakar dari Amerika dan bekas ahli jawatankuasa Akademi Sains Kebangsaan Amerika bagi kesan-kesan Biologi Radiasi Mengion (BEIR), Dr Edward Radford, atas jemputan penduduk Papan, membuat tinjauan di tapak buangan sisa itu. Beliau dapati tapak itu tidak sesuai sementara lubang-lubang yang digali mempunyai dinding yang nipis atau sudah merekah.

7 November: Seorang pakar buangan sisa industri dari Jepun, Dr. Jun Ui, menerima jemputan penduduk Papan untuk memeriksa tapak buangan ARE. Beliau juga mendapati tapak itu tidak sesuai dijadikan kawasan penimbunan sisa berbahaya.

28 November: Kabinet membincangkan laporan-laporan yang diserahkan oleh dua badan kawalan. Laporan yang dikemukan oleh Lembaga Perlindungan Radiologi Kebangsaan British (NRPB) berkata, penduduk hanya akan selamat jika faktor-faktor tertentu diberi perhatian oleh kerajaan Perak dan syarikat ARE. Laporan kedua oleh IAEA pula berkata, lubang-lubang yang dibina tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan.

9 Disember: Lebih 1,500 penduduk di Papan mengadakan mogok lapar selama sehari sebagai membantah keputusan kerajaan untuk meneruskan rancangan menempatkan tapak buangan sisa di Papan. Penduduk Bukit Merah membawa masuk seorang pakar radiasi dan genetik dari Jepun, Profesor Sadao Ichikawa untuk mengukur paras radiasi di kawasan terbuka dan kolam berhampiran kilang ARE. Beliau dapati paras radiasi di situ terlalu tinggi malah paras tertinggi yang dicatatkan melebihi 800 kali paras yang dibenarkan.

12 Disember: Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Musa Hitam menunjukkan minat secara peribadi terhadap perkembangan isu Papan ini. Beliau mengunjungi tapak buangan tersebut.


11 Januari: Selepas mesyuarat kabinet yang dipengerusikan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Datuk Musa Hitam, kerajaan mengambil keputusan memindahkan tapak buangan sisa ke Mukim Belanja di Banjaran Kledang yang terletak kira-kira 5 km dari Papan dan 3 km dari Menglembu.

1 Februari: Lapan orang penduduk, bagi pihak diri mereka sendiri dan penduduk Bukit Merah membuat satu permohonan di Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh menahan ARE daripada mengeluar, menyimpan atau menimbun sisa radioaktif di sekitar kampung tersebut.
Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 dikuatkuasakan. Ia memastikan pengendali bahagian pemasangan nuklear (termasuk kerajaan) bertanggungjawab terhadap ancaman nuklear. Lima ahli Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB) dibentuk di bawah Akta itu, dengan perwakilan dari Puspati, Kementerian Kesihatan serta Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar.

14 Oktober: Hakim Anuar Datuk Zainal Abidin di Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh memberikan kepada penduduk Bukit Merah perintah menahan dan menghentikan ARE daripada mengeluar dan menimbun bahan sisa radioaktif sehingga langkah-langkah keselamatan yang secukupnya diambil. Lebih daripada 1,500 penduduk Bukit Merah hadir di mahkamah untuk mendengar keputusan itu.


22 September: ARE mendakwa ia telah membelanjakan lebih RM2 juta untuk meningkatkan langkah-langkah keselamatan (sepertimana yang dikehendaki oleh perintah mahkamah), diikuti oleh piawaian IAEA. Ia menjemput pakar tenaga atom dari Amerika, Dr E.E. Fowler (Bekas kakitangan IAEA) untuk mengunjungi kilang berkenaan. Menurut beliau, paras radiasi berhampiran kawasan pembuangan yang disediakan oleh ARE memenuhi piawaian ICRP dan beliau dapati kilang itu selamat untuk beroperasi.

5 Oktober: Kira-kira 3,000 penduduk Bukit Merah dan kawasan sekitarnya mengadakan tunjuk perasaan terhadap rancangan ARE untuk menimbun sisa radioaktif di tapak kekalnya di Banjaran Kledang.

28 Oktober: Profesor Sadao Ichikawa dalam kunjungan kali keduanya ke Bukit Merah mendapati paras radiasi di sekitar kilang ARE masih melebihi paras yang dibenarkan. Beliau dilarang masuk ke dalam kilang itu.

16 November: Sekumpulan penyiasat dari AELB memeriksa beberapa buah tapak buangan sisa torium yang dilonggokkan secara haram di Bukit Merah. Mereka dibantu oleh bekas kontraktor ARE, Ng Toong Foo yang pernah membuang sisa di situ. Bacaan di salah sebuah tapak ialah 0.05 – 0.10 milirem/jam (iaitu 438 - 876 milirem/tahun) melebihi paras keselamatan maksimum 0.057 milirem/jam yang ditetapkan oleh ICRP.

26 November: Perwakilan dari tujuh kawasan (Bukit Merah, Lahat, Taman Badri Shah, Menglembu, Papan, Falim dan Guntong) membentuk sebuah jawatankuasa Anti-Radioaktif Perak (PARC).

8 Disember: Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Encik Kasitah Gadam berkata hasil pemeriksaan AELB di dua tapak buangan haram Bukit Merah mendapati paras radiasi di situ adalah selamat. Menurutnya, sungguhpun AELB mendapati paras radiasi di situ melebihi paras normal, ini tidak membahayakan kerana tapak-tapak itu sangat sedikit bilangannya.


6 Februari: Tanpa mempedulikan perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh kepada ARE supaya menghentikan operasi, AELB Malaysia memberikan lesen kepada ARE supaya meneruskan operasinya.

10 April: PARC menjemput 14 pakar asing untuk datang ke Bukit Merah-pengasas-pengasas Institut Antarabangsa bagi Kepentingan Awam di Kanada, Dr Rosalie Bertell; Setiausaha Pusat Keselamatan Industri dan Kepentingan Alam Sekitar di India, V.T. Pathmanaban; dan Presiden Institut Kesihatan dan Tenaga di Amerika Syarikat, Kathleen Tucker merupakan antara mereka yang dilarang memasuki kawasan ARE. Dalam satu forum yang berlangsung di Bukit Merah, pakar-pakar itu membuat kesimpulan bahawa ARE mendedahkan pelbagai ancaman kesihatan yang serius.

12 April: Kira-kira 10,000 orang penduduk berarak di Bukit Merah sebagai membantah operasi yang dijalankan semula oleh ARE.

24 Mei: Kira-kira 300 orang penduduk diperintahkan bersurai oleh anggota Unit Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU) berhampiran ARE. Lebih 20 orang, termasuk tiga wanita mengalami kecederaan dalam dua pertelingkahan pada hari itu. Seramai 60 orang ditahan oleh pihak polis. Semua kecuali enam dibebaskan kemudian selepas disoal-siasat. Keenam-enam pemuda itu dibebaskan seminggu kemudian di mana pihak polis tidak mengenakan sebarang tuduhan. Penduduk menghalang kerja-kerja membina jalan yang menuju ke tapak buangan kekal di Banjaran Kledang yang dicadangkan.

23 Julai: Seorang doktor Kanada, Bernie Lau, diupah oleh PARC untuk meletakkan alat pengesan gas radon di luar kilang ARE. Beliau berjaya mengesan sejumlah gas radon dibebaskan daripada kilang itu.
Terdahulu dari itu, Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Amar Stephen Yong berkata, kerajaan berpuas hati dengan laporan penilaian kesan alam sekitar bagi tapak buangan kekal yang dicadangkan itu. Penilaian itu dijalankan oleh ARE bersama beberapa orang pegawai Kementerian.

7 September: Perbicaraan saman yang dikemukakan oleh lapan orang penduduk Bukit Merah terhadap ARE bermula di hadapan Hakim Peh Swee Chin di Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh. Sebagai mengetengahkan nasib mereka, para penyokong PARC berjalan sejauh 8 km dari Bukit Merah ke Ipoh. Polis menyuraikan tunjuk perasaan mereka berhampiran Menglembu. Sembilan orang ditahan tetapi dibebaskan setelah diikat jamin. Kira-kira 1,000 orang hadir di mahkamah sebagai menunjukkan sokongan mereka.

11 September: Para penduduk berarak dari Bukit Merah ke Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh pada hari terakhir perbicaraan. Jumlah mereka yang hadir dianggarkan 3,000 orang.

18 Spetember: Penduduk Bukit Merah mengemukakan permohonan perbicaraan kerana menghina mahkamah terhadap ARE memandangkan ia melanggar perintah menahan operasi yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh kepada mereka pada tahun 1985.

27 Oktober: Lebih 100 orang yang ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Di antaranya termasuklah pengerusi PARC, Hew Yoon Tat; timbalannya, Hiew Yew Lan; (bekas) setiausaha PARC, Lee Koon Bun; ahli jawatankuasa, Phang Kooi Yau dan peguam Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) yang mewakili plaintif Bukit Merah, Meenakshi Raman. Merek dibebaskan selepas dua bulan.

November: ARE mula membina tapak buangan kekal sisa toksik di Banjaran Kledang.


25 Januari: Perbicaraan disambung semula.


13 Februari: Perbicaraan tamat selepas berlansung selama 65 hari dan berlanjutan lebih 32 bulan.


11 Julai: Penduduk Bukit Merah memenangi kes saman terhadap ARE. Mahkamah mengarahkan penutupan kilang ARE dalam tempoh 14 hari. Pihak ARE pula mengumumkan ia akan membuat rayuan di Mahkamah Agung.

23 Julai: ARE mengemukan rayuan di Mahkamah Agung berhubung perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh supaya operasinya dihentikan. Pengerusi PARC Hew Yoon Tat dan salah seorang plaintif dalam saman terhadap ARE, Lau Fong Fatt menemui kakitangan atasan Mitsubishi Chemical di Jepun. Mereka diberitahu ARE mengemukan rayuan tanpa kebenaran syarikat itu.

24 Julai: Berikutan permohonan ex-parte oleh ARE, Hakim Besar Mahkamah Agung menahan (sehingga perintah selanjutnya) perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh kepada ARE supaya menghentikan operasinya.

3 Ogos: Lebih 2,000 orang dari Bukit Merah hadir di Mahkamah Agung untuk mendengar rayuan ARE terhadap perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh yang menggantung operasinya. Bagaimanapun, hakim-hakim Mahkamah Agung Menangguhkan perbicaraan kepada 5 Ogos kerana ‘tekanan oleh mereka yang berpiket di luar mahkamah.’

5 Ogos: Mahkamah Agung membenarkan permohonan ARE untuk menolak perintah Mahkamah Tinggi yang meminta ARE menghentikan operasinya berikutan rayuan syarikat berkenaan. Menurut hakim-hakim itu, penutupan tersebut akan menyulitkan kilang dan 183 pekerjanya.


15 Mac: Perbicaraan rayuan yang dikemukan oleh ARE di Mahkamah Agung ditangguhkan pada 7 Jun.

7 Jun: Perbicaraan mendengar rayuan ARE sekali lagi ditangguhkan ke satu tarikh yang akan diberitahu kelak.


19 Januari: Pengumuman syarikat ARE untuk menghentikan operasi.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mitsubishi Chemical – Come clean with the Thorium waste issue!

By: Choo Sing Chye

11 March 2001

I read with amusement the latest article on Mitsubishi Chemicals’ recent US 100 million cleanup (1) of the radioactive waste in its former plant in Bukit Merah.

Judging from the way in which the story is presented or if we squint our eyes at a slightly wrong angle, we might mistakenly think that the whole episode rests on the premise that the largest radiation cleanup (2) is an act of great charity despite having no legal compulsion to do so. (3)

Largest radiation cleanup now? No legal compulsion to do so?

I am at a loss here.

Hadn’t Asian Rare Earth Sdn Bhd (ARE) a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical Ind Ltd, already done a thorough clean-up in 1986 after being compelled to do so by the Ipoh High Court through a Temporary Court Injunction?

Okay before I proceed any further, I wish to present a clearer picture of this issue.

Here it is:

On October 14, 1985, the Perak Anti Radioactive Action Committee (PARAC) had successfully obtained a TEMPORARY COURT INJUNCTION from the Ipoh High Court against Asian Rare Earth Company.

Conspicuously, it was an undisputable fact that it was obligatory for ARE to do a clean up before it could restart operation again.

The 12 conditions laid down in the Temporary Court Injunction were:

1) Establish an above-ground temporary enclosed storage building for the Thorium Hydroxide waste;

2) Ensure that the type of containers, for the waste for temporary storage is the same, as the chosen for the permanent storage, to avoid the need for repacking;

3) Store the waste in the temporary storage building above the ground, high enough to protect it from flooding;

4) Establish and maintain an exclusion zone of 10 meters with controlled access, around the temporary storage building;

5) Equip the temporary storage with a ventilation before entry of operating personnel;

6) Ensure that the handling, transportation and deposition of the waste be suspended during severe rain and windstorms;

7) That the containers already filled and awaiting transportation to the storage facility are covered and protected from possible flooding;

8) That before transportation to the storage area, the full containers are checked for damage, surface contamination, and if necessary, decontamination;

9) That the lead-lined box proposed to be used for transportation of the waste is washed down frequently and that the wash water be collected and returned to the process, or properly treated;

10) That after any accidental spill of the waste in the transport box, and periodically otherwise, the box be checked for surface contamination and if necessary decontaminate;

11) Have strict housekeeping procedures approved by the competent authority which are complied with during the whole operation, so as to keep radiation exposures of the workers and of the public as low as reasonably achievable, social and economic factors taken into account;

12) Ensure that the services of a qualified radiation protection officer is secured and who is given clear responsibility for, and authority in, enforcing sound radiation protection practices in the operation, and for the necessary monitoring.

Subsequently in 1986, ARE engaged Dr. Fowler, a nuclear energy consultant from the United States to tackle this thorny issue i.e. to satisfy the 12 conditions imposed by the High Court of Ipoh.

Then out of nowhere came a complimentary feature article in the New Strait Times, October 3 1986 issue which shot out of the editorial page like a double-barrel shotgun – “Safety Measures Beyond What’s Necessary”.

In this feature article, ARE supposedly claimed to have invested a further RM 5 million ringgit on the building of special facilities at the plant and the new dumpsite in Kledang.

Below is the gist of the 1986 NST’s feature article:

a) ARE had built new dumps at the Kledang Range and special facilities;
b) ARE plant and the surrounding areas were certified safe;
c) ARE is a chemical plant and not a nuclear plant;
d) Thorium Hydroxide may have future value as a nuclear fuel material;
e) The dose per year for humans is 500 mrems.

First Contradiction:

In the said NST article ARE claimed to have built a new dumpsite at the Kledang Range.

Then why in the recent Malaysian Insider story tell of “engineers (having to) cut the top off a hill in a forest reserve nearly five kilometers away, buried the material inside the hill’s core, and then entombed it under more than 20 feet of clay and granite.” (4)

Don’t we have dumps already in 1986 built by ARE?

Second Contradiction:

In the same article, it states in no uncertain term that the ARE plant and the surrounding areas were certified safe by Dr. Fowler’s (ARE’s consultant).

He reported that the radioactive reading in Ipoh was 65 % below the public safety limit (BPSL), at the plant’s premises and entrance nearest to Bukit Merah, 70% BPSL. And within the factory mineral store showed a reading of 70% below the safety limit for workers.

Finally in the vicinity of the office, the reading was 80% below the safety limit for the public and most workers receive no more radiation than the public.


If the plant and the surrounding areas were certified safe why the hell did Mitsubishi Chemical Ind. Ltd need another cleanup in its former plant?

“In the current cleanup operation, workers in protective gear have already removed 11,000 truckloads of radioactive material, hauling away every trace of the old refinery and even tainted soil from beneath it — down to the bedrock as much as 25 feet below, said Anthony Goh, the consultant overseeing the project for one of Mitsubishi’s contractors, GeoSyntec, an Atlanta-based firm.” (5)

Removing of tainted soil down to the bedrock, the using of robots and workers in protective gear, these all sound very serious to us – very serious indeed.

There is another equally serious issue which was masked from the public - the illegal dumping of the Thorium waste.

Thus when we talk about the 11,000 truckloads of radioactive material being removed recently, (6) we must also not forget about the 1986 illegal dumping.

Apparently in the 1986 illegal dumping controversy, Thorium waste was illegally taken out of the factory by a fleet of lorries own by several contractors employed by ARE.

Now the most important question is that how many lorry loads of Thorium waste were taken out in the 14 month period and dumped illegally?

Dr Sadao who was invited by the PARAC had this to say:

“Had met at least one lorry driver who had been told to dump radioactive Thorium cake outside the plant.

“The man took me to an area where he was told to dump the Thorium and my tests showed radioactive levels of a very high degree.

“He also told me that other lorry drivers were involved in dumping the Thorium in areas outside the factory.” (7)

The reply by ARE General Manager, T. Shigenobu:

“the dumping of radioactive wastes in areas outside the factory’s premises was done indiscriminately by lorry contractors contrary to the company’s instructions…

“The agreement with the contractor engaged to dump the Thoria was terminated due to his failure to follow instructions, disagreement on the charges and also the change in the method of housekeeping by the company…” (8)

In response to ARE General Manager, T. Shigenobu, T.F. Ng (Contractor) said,

“I am an uneducated man, I was not told the wast might endanger the lives of the people…”

“They didn’t tell me the exact spot I should dump the waste.

“(I) was told by some officers that the waste could be used as fertilizer.” (9)

Now people are asking why the present RM 303 million cleanup when Mitsubishi Chemical claimed in 1986 that the plant and surrounding areas were certified safe by a nuclear scientist from the United States?

Was there actually a cleanup in 1986?

Finally the moment has come for Mitsubishi Chemicals Ind. Ltd, to deal with this issue openly and honestly. It is the very least the company can do for the people of the affected areas, notably, Bukit Merah, Menglembu and Papan.

It is shameful to let radioactive poisoning to linger on for 25 years without doing anything about it until now.

Papan-Bukit Merah Radioactive Controversy Video

By : Choo Sing Chye

(New Clip with added information)

Watch it and find out yourself why the people of Papan, Bukit Merah and Menglembu protested against Asian Rare Earth, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical.

In the early years of 1984, the people were made to believe that the dumpsite was of good quality and ARE was expected to monitor the disposal of the radioactive waste.

This was a big let down. The quality of the trenches were overwhelmingly bad. The disposal of the radioactive waste was equally as appalling.

There was little or worst, no supervision at all for the waste disposal and the building of the trenches. The contractors were left to their own devises as to the course of action to be taken. Hence poor quality trenches were built and illegal dumping of the radioactive waste became a common practice.

At the cost of only RM 250 thousand per trench and the total cost of RM 18 million for the planned 72 trenches, it was minuscule compared to the RM 303 million present cleanup and building of the dumpsite.

It makes little sense to think all along that the government and Mitsubishi Chemical are doing the best for the people in Bukit Merah.

Could it be a sudden rise of cancer cases that prompted this massive cleanup? Who knows?

All along they thought the people who dissent are trouble makers and at the height of this controversy, the government insisted of labelling them as such.

But today who is right? The People or Mitsubishi Chemical?

Definitely the People!

They have fought for their rights as citizens of this country to live in peace and to live in a clean environment like everyone else.
The freedom to peacefully dissent against the backdrop of this controversy without being haul up by the authorities is part and parcel of a democratic institution .

Let’s not wait for the dead bodies, expert warns about Gebeng plant

By Shannon Teoh

March 14, 2011

A worker waters the site of a rare earth metals mine in Jiangxi. China holds a virtual monopoly on rare earth supply. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, March 14 — The toxicologist who treated radiation victims linked to the Bukit Merah rare earth plant has dismissed claims there will be no health hazards from a renewed attempt to process the valuable metals in Gebeng, Pahang.

A series of explosions in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant damaged in last week’s earthquake in Japan has also heightened fears that it could happen in Malaysia, which is less advanced than Japan.

Apart from the rare earth refinery, Malaysia is looking to build its first nuclear power plant within a decade.

“Let’s not wait for the dead bodies before we count the healthcare costs,” said Dr Jayabalan A. Thambyappa, who is also an occupational safety and health expert.

He told The Malaysian Insider yesterday that “the issue of safe levels of radiation does not arise, carcinogens are carcinogens” and warned that the government was going down the same route as the Bukit Merah refinery that shut down in 1992.

Referring to a report in The Star on Saturday, he said that issuing a pre-operating licence to Australian miners Lynas in Gebeng was exactly what happened in Bukit Merah.

The Atomic Energy Licensing Board said that before Lynas begins operations, a pre-operating licence will be issued so it can show proof of its claims that its raw materials are safe, non-toxic and non-hazardous.

The Asian Rare Earth plant that opened in 1985 has been linked to at least eight cases of leukaemia in the Bukit Merah area, causing seven deaths.

It is now the subject of a RM303 million cleanup exercise, nearly two decades after it was shuttered following sustained protests.

However, Lynas is set to complete its plant in the Gebeng industrial area in Kuantan by next year and has insisted that its rare earth ore has only 2 per cent of the radioactive element thorium that was present in the raw material used in Bukit Merah.

“Whether or not it is 2 per cent the question remains, why do it here? Just because the cost is lower? So are our lives worth less?” said Dr Thambyappa, who also conducted a study on the effects of the rare earth plant on the Bukit Merah area.

He said the government should cease all progress until there was a clear and transparent plan on how to deal with the radioactive waste.

“Nobody has any idea how to handle it yet. We have to follow precautionary procedures and ensure there is no chance of hazard,” he said, adding that Malaysia should heed the lesson from the tsunami that hit Japan, raising fears of radiation leaks from nuclear plants.

“These unforeseen circumstances can happen anytime. What if there are any spills during transport? The fact is, we will be importing hazardous waste,” Dr Thambyappa said.

The New York Times reported last week that the US$230 million (RM700 million) plant refinery will be the first such plant outside China in nearly three decades.

The rest of the world has been wary of the environmental hazards involved in their production, leaving China to control 95 per cent of global supply of rare earth metals.

The metals are crucial to high-technology products such as the Apple iPhone, Toyota Prius and Boeing’s smart bombs.

If prices of the metals stayed at current levels, the Lynas plant would generate over RM5 billion a year in exports for Malaysia, or nearly one per cent of its entire economy.

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